Tuesday 24 March 2009

Lonely Heart by a Lonely Heart

Lonely hearts in a world were every body is in such a rush to go from one place to another you would never believe that you could be in a room fall of people and yet be so alone that you feel like you’re invisible to them all.
I have felt just like this recently when your world becomes so lonely that you seek comfort in the wide open spaces of the country side to camouflage the fact that you are alone, just your own thoughts to keep you company and the sounds of the wildlife who seems to be your best friends as your own kind don’t seem to give a dam, But a human being can not live like this we need companionship we need some one to love, some one to cherish and to hold otherwise what is the point of carrying on with the so call life, I have never thought of suicide but I understand how this can be a way out of loneliness but to make the decision to do the deed is not an easy one to take your live, an act of a few minutes that will last an eternity seems to much to ask for, and not worth the heart ach it would cost others if you had other that would care that is.
So the heart ach of loneliness will carry on and despite good intentions of others that say one thing and then do another that just makes it worse, and so life gets worse and one day relief will come in death whether it an act of suicide of old age relief will come and your spirit will be as one with other who have once felt like I feel now.
I think I understand life were some have it all and others have only them selves to be one with I was in love once but now that has gone and all I have is an empty heart were love once filled, and when I think of my life I don’t see any future and the only happiness I have other keep interfering and making it impossible to fined the love that could be there as her smile warms my heart a feeling that I haven’t felt for so many years her touch so soft and a sparkle in her eyes when she smiles the passion that could be released if given a chance.
But the odds are stack against us like a fix roulette wheel in a casino where other pull the strings and you take your chance but a chance is always worth taking as you mite win and then the other lose and the sorrow that was yours become happiness and life then seems worth it again and so I carry on.

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